I have a VB.NET project that uses the Desktopedition.WinformsMap control. Running the project’s executable on my Windows 7 laptop, Mr.Sid files and Tiger data shape files are correctly displayed in the map control. I see the ortho image and the shape file information (roads, water, etc.). However, when I run the same executable on Windows Server 2012 Standard machine, only the shape file information is displayed. The ortho image is not rendered.
I’m using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.DesktopEdition Version
Attached are two files showing the difference. TG_Ortho.png file is the map image displayed on my laptop. TG_NoOrtho.png is the map image displayed on the Windows Server 2012 machine.
Any suggestions on tracking down and/or correcting this issue will be greatly appreciated.
Fail to render MrSid files (only see shape file image)
Hi Rudolph,
Not sure but would you please try the Map Suite Unmanaged Dependencies or later? We have fixed some similar issues in the past. If still not work, would you please let us know your OS platform (x86 or x64)? Also, we also didn’t see the attache files “TG_Ortho.png”, would you please attach them again?
If you can create a small sample which can recreate your issue, like the map only have a mrsid file and a shape file, that would be better for us to debug.
Thanks Troy for your response.
I will try I will let you know the result.
Attached is the TG_Ortho.png file.
FYI: Both systems are x64.
You are welcome bu sorry I still can’t see the attached. Waiting for the result and the attached file if possible in the next reply.
I think we have tracked it down to a deployment issue. The MrSid files are projected on the developer laptops that have ThinkGeo Desktop Edition installed. However, the ortho image do not appear on our test server or other computers where ThinkGeo is not installed.
Currently the following files are distributed to the test server.
I believe the Merge Modules need to be included in the distribution in order to solve the ortho image projection issue.
Am I correct?
If so:
1) Do all merge modules need to be distributed? If not, how do you determine the which ones?
2) What is the process by which merge modules are distributed? Our applications are written in Visual Studio 2012 VB.NET and distribute to our customers using InstallShield.
Hi Rudolph,
Good to hear you have narrowed down the issue and yes, you are right, the target client still need to the required merge modules.
Here is the dependencies guide and it shows which dll/mergemodule are required on different features: wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/Map_S…cies_Guide
From the dependencies matrix, we can see if your application just needs to support the MrSid file, then only the Services Edition Required Libraries + MrSid/JP2 merge modules are required in your installation.
Hope it helps.