Guys, I'm finally implementing your contouring code (IsoLine stuff). We are creating a matrix of GridCell objects, and passing in our own collection of IsoLineLevels. We're runnig great on about 80% of the data we test with. But when we fail, we fail ugly. We are apparently getting an unmanaged exception. Whatever it is, it is an error that we cannot trap, and it brings the application down.
I need to understand the range of grid cell values that you expect. For most data we have to multiply by 1000, but on stuff like pH, we have to multiply by 10,000 or we get these errrors. Maps that are relatively "flat" are more of an issue.
Is there anything that can be done to catch the errors, rather than bring the app down?
How can I send you a test file of GridCell values and the IsoLineLevels that we use, causing the app to crash? Send a text file with lon/lat, x/y indices and values? Embed the number of rows and columns in the file or in a separate file?