I am using the MicrosftMapLayerExtension for base imary, and have created an instance of FeatureSource. The GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore method seems to be called on a tile-by-tile basis. When I return a list of features, they display as expected on the map; however, when the label overruns the edge of the tile, the labels are clipped. I am attaching a screen-shot that illustrates the clipping. Note that the tiling is not the MicrosftMapLayerExtension tiling, but the web control's built-in tiling. How can I get the full label to display without clipping?
Feature labels returned FeatureSource.GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore are clipped by web control tiling
I think you can fix it in two ways:
1. Set a value indicating whether a partial label in the current extent will be drawn or not
layer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultTextStyle.SuppressPartialLabels = true;
2. Set a value to make extra margin drawn
layer.DrawingMarginPercentage = 100;
Any question let me know, thanks,
The layer.DrawingMarginPercentage setting seems to have helped! I will continue testing to make sure the results are as expected. Thanks!
That’s a good news, please be free to ask any question.