HI guangming,
Just as I mentioned in an email before about the “avoiding
duplicated labels” from our sales guys, I shows the Map Suite Drawing process
as in following picture:
You know, in the first step, we need to query all the
features in current view extent and draw them on a specified canvas (generally
should be a GDI+ bitmap in most of time.), so here is the place (query the
required features from a specified SQL Server database) the “ExecutingSQLStatement”
is used. Actually the process of querying the features from database is really
similar to a normal SQL Server query, such as build the query SQL Script like “Select
* from tableA”, or something like that at first, and then call the “ADO.net
operation” APIs, like “ExecuteNonQuery”, “ExecuteScalar” etc. with built
sql script to query the database. In Map Suite, these “query sql script” are
called “ExecutingSQLStatement”, while what’s the ExecutingSQLStatementType? Actually,
which means which method in MsSQLServerFeatureSource built this sql script and
call the “Execute Query”, to some extent, the method name is the
ExecutingSQLStatementType, for example, the type “GetColumns”
means the public method “GetColumns” passed the query script and call the query
executing, Hope it helps.
Also when the drawing process is raised? The answer is when
you redraw or refresh the map, maybe a mouse move, or a zoom in/out etc.