I develop an application using MapSuite 10 for Winforms. There is an overlay with multiple layers (from shape files). These layers are roads, regions, perfectures, cities… Is there a way to find, based on lat and lon, the name of the street (information that there is inside the shape file)
Find Shape Data from lat and long
Hi Marios,
Please view this sample: https://github.com/ThinkGeo/GetFeaturesClickedOnSample-ForWinForms
The information loaded from shape file is saved in feature.ColumnValues.
If you have multiply layers, you just need loop all of them.
Wish that’s helpful.
Thank you, the sample helped me. Can I find the name of the street searching multiple shapes and not just one? I have many shapes for several street categories (national roads, city roads,…).
Hi Marios,
The sample is let you know how to find feature by click, and how to get data from shape file.
So if you have any further requirement, you can add logic in custom function and handle it, because you can get everything from shape file.
If you met any detail question when implement that please feel free to let us know.