Hi guys,
I'm overriding linestyle with my own one and drawing a character on the map using DrawText() function on GeoCanvas:
canvas.DrawText("A", new GeoFont("Arial Black", 20, false), new GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.SimpleColors.Red), new GeoPen(GeoColor.SimpleColors.Black, 10), points, 0, 0, 360 - rotationAngle);
For some reason, the size of the text does not change when I change the font size. It only increases the size of the invisible bounding box around the text and the alphabet is not displayed on the exact position I want. Is this a bug?
Also, the rotation angle seems to be calculated in the anti-clockwise direction unlike the rotation angle property of a marker which is clockwise. Not a major issue but still was a bit confusing. Hence, I had to subtract the rotation angle from 360 to get the angle in the anti-clockwise direction