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Font TextStyle getting Problem using SlitContainer


   I am getting a strange problem using SlitContainer control then Font TextStyle getting Problem.

it means that, I am using TextStyle(Font) for displaying icons(images).
It’s coming correctly by with out applying SlitContainer.

Whenever applying SlitContainer to the Form. the position of ICONS getting changed.

Please tell me, what is the problem and suggest me to solve this issue.


Hi Riyaz,

Could you please append more information here? I’m not sure the relationship between the SlitContainer Control and the map, and how do you achieve the TextStyle for displaying icons. Some code snippet are helpful, a simple sample is welcome.


HI Emil,

  Thanks for your reply.

Here I am giving sample code for displaying icons(images) using TextStyle(Font).

TextStyle ts_IconAircraft = new TextStyle(“IconAircraft”, new GeoFont(“Aircraft_b”, 40, DrawingFontStyles.Regular),new GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.FromArgb(255, 0, 173, 239)));
fAircraft.ColumnValues.Add(“IconAircraft”, “A”);

‘Aircraft_b’ is custom generated Font file( A–Type of Aircraft).
As per my previous discussions, displaying icons(images) using TextStyle(Font) working fine(BeforeFC.png) with out opening ‘Split Container’ application.

But whenever Open the ‘Split Container’ application then TextStyle(Font) miss matching(AfterFC.png).
I don’t know clearly, What’s the issue.

Please check it and tell me what is the issue and also suggest me to solve it.


Hi Riyaz,

I’m sorry, I can’t recreate your issue on my side with your information.

I don’t have the font file you use, it looks I can search many similar fonts from internet.

I guess “split Container” represents the control system.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer, and the following code maybe used by your program:


Without seeding what you were doing, it’s pretty difficult to pin it down.
Could you please upload a code sample with your test data, so we can reproduce this issue and work for it.
