I need to be able to create formatted MapInfo tab files.
I need to control the way features are displayed - shape (e.g. star, triangle, Lozenge-shaped etc), line type (width, dashed) and colors.
There is not much documentation on the subject - I've done the following code:
List<TabDbfColumn> columns = new List<TabDbfColumn>();
columns.Add(new TabDbfColumn("LINK_ID", DbfColumnType.String, 10, 0, true, true));
columns.Add(new TabDbfColumn("X", DbfColumnType.Double, 20, 10, false, false));
columns.Add(new TabDbfColumn("Y", DbfColumnType.Double, 20, 10, false, false));
columns.Add(new TabDbfColumn("CreateDate", DbfColumnType.Date, 0, 0, false, false));
PointShape p = new PointShape(157633, 615456);
p.Id = "P1";
Feature f = p.GetFeature();
f.ColumnValues.Add("LINK_ID", "P1");
f.ColumnValues.Add("X", "157633");
f.ColumnValues.Add("Y", "615456");
f.ColumnValues.Add("CreateDate", "20/12/2010");
List<Feature> features = new List<Feature>();
TabFeatureSource.CreateTabFile(MapPath("~/app_data/MyTab.TAB"), columns, features);
What do I need to modify in order to be able to change the how the features appears? Is there a tutorial/demo for creating such files?