So I am using the latest version of ThinkGeo in my iOS app (10.6.5 for ThinkGeo.MapSuite) and I am seeing small gaps between my imagery tiles. It appears to be a single pixel or so. I’ve attached a screenshot of my app showing these gaps. I’m wondering if you could give me some ideas as to why I might be seeing this.
I’m using a Bing overlay for my map imagery. And I’m setting my MapView ZoomLevelSet to a BingMapsZoomLevelSet. Below is the code I’m using to create my overlay:
BingMapsOverlay bingMapOverlay = new BingMapsOverlay();
bingMapOverlay.Name = BingMapsOverlayName;
bingMapOverlay.MapStyle = ThinkGeo.MapSuite.iOS.BingMapsMapType.AerialWithLabels;
bingMapOverlay.TileCache = new FileBitmapTileCache(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "/CacheImages", bingMapOverlay.MapStyle.ToString());
bingMapOverlay.TileCache.TileMatrix.BoundingBoxUnit = GeographyUnit.Meter;
bingMapOverlay.TileCache.TileMatrix.BoundingBox = bingMapOverlay.GetBoundingBox();
bingMapOverlay.TileCache.ImageFormat = TileImageFormat.Jpeg;