we upgrade now from MapSuite 7 to Version 9. There is an issue with our Multiraster Implementation:
We use GeoDBF for ImageCatalogues. In our OpenCore (MultiRasterLayer) we read the values from the dbf-file:
xmin = this.CatalogueDbfFile.ReadFieldAsDouble(i, dbfCatalogueColumnName_XMIN);
xmax = this.CatalogueDbfFile.ReadFieldAsDouble(i, dbfCatalogueColumnName_XMAX);
ymin = this.CatalogueDbfFile.ReadFieldAsDouble(i, dbfCatalogueColumnName_YMIN);
ymax = this.CatalogueDbfFile.ReadFieldAsDouble(i, dbfCatalogueColumnName_YMAX);
In Version 9 the decimal-point will ignore. So the Envalopes are wrong. (see attached file and rename it to dbf)
Please help. Thanks,
tk100.txt (9.12 KB)