Hi Scott,
Thank you for the quick response. Just one more line to explain why such georeferencing systems are important hoping to make a case so that an implementation of this facility could be available in the near future.
So let’s assume that we have a collection of geographical points. Think big, think millions of them, maybe within a year up to a billion. These points are stored in a database. The problem with such a scenario is that apart from time indexing them any attempt to perform spatial queries on a database is futile. The reason is that points by nature (forget time indexing) by nature are unique. Thus geographical indexing on 1 billion points will produce an index as big and as useless as the table itself. So, the way around it is to create a gereferencing that will “cluster” points together, via an index, to the quads of the gereferencing system of choice. The result is that “if” mapsuite was offering a seamless way to select the georeferencing quads, on the Map, then these quads could be submitted to the database to query points in those quads.
At present the way around I have found is to create an in memory layer that I have populated with square shapes corresponding to the quads. When I select on the MapSuite map, I essentially select the quads/square shapes, reading their labels i.e feature columns, and submit them to the database to select points belonging to this quad. This way, my index on quads is very fast as the quads are a finite quantity.
Thank you again