We are using MapSuite Desktop Edition in our application. I am trying to import a GeoTiff map layer from the FAA web site using the GeoTiffRasterLayer. The layer produced by the MapSuite code lacks the clarity of the image that can be seen using other tools that display GeoTiff data files. At almost any zoomlevel, the image in MapSuite has less clarity and readability than the same GeoTiff displayed in a different viewer such as Windows PhotoViewer. I would have attached the FAA GeoTiff files but the attachment upload will not allow a file of this size. If the FAA tif file is required it can be downloaded from the FAA website or I will need to have a connection to upload the file using another means.
Below is a screen capture of the MapSuite GeoTiffRasterLayer for the Phoenix SEC 91.tif file from the FAA website:
Here is the same GeoTiff file displayed with Windows PhotoViewer:
Although, these images are small I think you should be able to see that the text is much more readable and the image is much more crisp and clear.
I define a Managed4Projection to convert the GeoTiff image from meters to latitude/longitude. I use the projection string from the GeoTiff layer to define the InternalParameterString. The projection string on this file is:
+proj=lcc +lat_0=33.5000000 +lon_0=-112.55000000 +lat_1=38.6666667 +lat_2=33.33333333 +x_0=0.000 +y_0=0.000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m
I define the ExternalParameterString with the built in GetWGS84ParametersString.
Looking at the debugger for the MapSuite Desktop application, I see that the MapSuite FDOExtension.dll has been loaded but I do not see any of the GeoTiffx86 or GeoTiffx64 dlls have been loaded.
Does anyone have any suggestions about why the clarity is so much less in a MapSuite window?
GeoTiff images lack clarity found in orignial map data
Hi Richard,
For uploading some big files, please contact with support@thinkgeo.com, they will setup a ftp account for you. Then, please upload your sample and tif files together so that we can look into it further based on here’s description.
For your issue, I think you can try to use GdiPlusRasterLayer rather than GeoTiffRasterLayer to see if better?
The FAA GeoTiff Raster maps are available on the internet. Try this URL
The images I captured above were using the Phoenix SEC 91.tif but the clarity is poor on any of these files.
I did try the GdiPlusRasterLayer and it is much clearer than the GeoTiffRasterLayer. It is not as good as the Windows Photo Viewer but I think some of the difference is the scaling that has to go on in order to project from the LCC to the WGS84 projection. The GeoTiff image is wider in WGS84 than it is in the original LCC projection which is shown in Windows Photo Viewer. This can be seen in the images above by looking at the circle. The original GeoTiff shows the circle as a true circle while the GdiPlusRasterLayer in a WGS84 projection shows the circle as an oval. This stretching effect probably account for some of the loss of clarity. I am not sure if there is any solution for this except to use a projection that keeps the units in "meters" as the original image.
Thanks for you help.
Hi Richard,
I’m glad it’s working now.
But very sorry there isn’t good way to stop the image stretch after re-projection, and the deeper zoomlevel, the worse stretch.
Perhaps you can try re-project all other data to fit the LCC to keep this image as background map and clear look.