Hi Ethan,
to use projected Datasets I think I have to project them:
Base Coordinate System (internal) for MapSuite is EPSG:=3857 or 900913…correct?
When adding a layer I must set projection like
proj4.InternalProjectionParametersString = Proj4Projection.GetEpsgParametersString(25832);
proj4.ExternalProjectionParametersString = Proj4Projection.GetGoogleMapParametersString();
So I have to do this each time adding a projected layer?
Am I wrong?
How to handle multiple layers with different projection?
I think, that’s the question.
We use several layers in different projection and digitize vector data on the raster, storing the vector geometry in PostGIS.
When reading the captured data with ohter GIS (like QGIS) the results are correct.
So why not project both layer?
I’m a bit confused about “…the two layer cannot cover…”