Hi guys,
I am having a problem when printing a GeoTiff layer to Pdf. When a projection has been applied to the GeoTiff the image does not align with the other features in the map. If I create the Pdf and the GeoTiff does not have a projection everyting is fine.
[Here is how it looks without projection.][1]
[Here is how it looks with projection][2].
PageLayoutSample (Raster Projection Error).zip (118.5 KB)
I have attached a sample project. You will need to get the GeoTiff from the following link:
[1]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6mgjm7e9y3yba79/GeoTiffWithoutProjection.pdf?dl=0
[2]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dxaal2ung5fuogk/GeoTiffWithProjection.pdf?dl=0
[3]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tew9zhfewuv6wjy/LowerForty.tif?dl=0