Hi, i am new to ThinkGeo and MVC. I was wondering what are some good practices for getting started with MVC and ThinkGeo. Like Should Maps go in the controller or the view.also I want to create a search for the user to find a specific Well site using longitude and latitude, how do i query a shape file, do i need to create a json file. I have found ways to get my shape files on the map in MVC but i dont really know where to go from there. I have gone through ThinkGeo’s quick start guide and it was pretty straight forward, But dont know where to go.
any advice would be greatly Appreciated
Getting Started
Hi Logan,
Welcome to Map Suite Forum!
The best practice for getting start with Mvc Edition is referring to our quick start guide in wiki, but you mentioned you have reviewed it. The next step to understand the Mvc Edition should taking more time to review our “HowDoI samples”. In HowDoI samples, I filtered some samples from it based on your requirements and hope it helps.
- Find the Feature the User Clicked
- Find Features Within a Distance
- Find Feature by ID
Except the HowDoI samples, more samples can be found in our wiki after you have a good understanding on HowDoI samples. wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/Map_Suite_MVC_Edition_All_Samples
Hope it helps and have a good journey on map suite.
I have been looking at this for hours. but some of the dlls arent there is this program supposed to run or is it just code samples?
Hi Logan,
Yes, some of the samples in HowDoI sample require some special dlls, but I think you can skip them but focus on the other samples, this is because the HowDoI sample provides the basic samples which are easy and useful to understand.
I am not sure if you are using the map suite 8.0, if installed, then you even can see some project templates in product center.
can you tell me what the difference is when you put the map in the controller opposed to putting it into the view
Logan, I have replied in another post on this. Please refer to it thinkgeo.com/forums/tabid/143/aft/12088/Default.aspx