I tried looking at that before:
gRecShp = new RectangleShape(worldUpperLeftX, worldUpperLeftY, worldLowerRightX, worldLowerRightY);
gRecShp = proj4Projection.ConvertToExternalProjection(gRecShp);
double NewworldUpperLeftX = gRecShp.UpperLeftPoint.X;
double NewworldUpperLeftY = gRecShp.UpperLeftPoint.Y;
double NewworldLowerRightX = gRecShp.LowerRightPoint.X;
double NewworldLowerRightY = gRecShp.LowerRightPoint.Y;
------------------------------------ :
Pass in:
worldUpperLeftX = -81.42617
worldUpperLeftY = 43.06596
worldLowerRightX = -81.07266
worldLowerRightY = 42.89287
NewworldUpperLeftX = -9064319.78164653
NewworldUpperLeftY = -5322017.026602678
NewworldLowerRightX = -9024967.2284562
NewworldLowerRightY = 5295679.7583188415
I want to get bacy the set value.
the main reason for looking at this is that the map I'm getting is getting shifted a little bit when moving vertically. (horizontally is okay).