we are trying to load shapefile on shapefilefeaturelayer which has an dbf column of validity for a polygon features. how can we apply different styles for polygon according to validity.we have tried the custom styles.
but the layer does not visible.
Thanks And Regards,
Hrishikesh Konde.
Giving different colors to the features of the shape file according to the column in dbf
Your scenario is render polygon based on different value of target column in dbf.
ValueStyle is works for the scenario. Please view the sample here: https://github.com/ThinkGeo/DefaultValueStyleSample-ForWpf
And if the layer does not visible, that maybe is caused by other reason.
Please just set default area style at fist, then set corret map unit, current extent and make the layer render on map first.
Then you can just use custom style for it, please don’t set default style when you are using custom style.
hello ethan,
thanks for your help. the custom styles were applied successfully.]
thanks and regards,
hrishikesh konde.
I am glad to hear that’s helpful.
Any question please let us know.