My web-based map application has been working fine for several months using v3.1.16 of MapSuite Web Edition. The map displays a Google Map background with an overlay of a custom shape file. This has been working well for several months.
Within the last week or so the maps are now no longer displayed. All I get is a pink background with a red "X" image in the upper left corner. Any other subsequent ASP.Net AJAX calls on the page result in a server error.
I downloaded the latest release, v3.1.182, and ran it in development mode. When I do this the map control displays a missing background with the text "The remote server returned and error: (403) Forbidden" in each Google Maps tile. My custom shape file displays properly over this background.
Did something change with the Google Maps API that has broken MapSuite? There have been no changes in my code so it has to be something external.
Bob Mc.