Thanks for the information. Is there anyway around this. I think I only ran my page 2 or 3 times in Visual Studio Debugger. I might have panned and zoomed a bit (which I assume is more image downloads) but that limitation makes it pretty much unusuable.
Let me try and describe what I want to do. I am looking to replace a current static map based system that is built on Bing maps. I would like a high quality base map with Satelitte and Road maps. I would then like the ability to have different layers that get dynamically built with points of interest from a database (Code behind). The user will be able to choose layers. Most of this I can see in your product except for the high quality base maps... that is why I was trying to use a Google as that base layer... is there another way to do this. Am I heading the wrong direction with your software. Since I am new to your product, any advice would be good because right now I am considering moving on in my evaluation process.
thanks for your time, Leon