I use the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GoogleMapsLayer Class to load the google map into mapsuite.
but the construct : public GoogleMapsLayer(string cacheDirectory, string clientId, string privateKey);
I didn’t know the clientId and privateKey mean?
I have register a google map API key in code.google.com/apis/console/.
the detail infomation about the API key describe in the following picture.
I didn’t know what the concept of API key in google means in mapsuite GoogleMapsLayer class construct.
Is this means privateKey ? so what is clientId?
Is this means clientId? so what is privateKey?
I read the api in wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GoogleMapsLayer#Public_Constructors
but the GoogleMapsLayer(String, String) is not useful.
how can I use the GoogleMapsLayer(string cacheDirectory, string clientId, string privateKey)?
such as:
GoogleMapsLayer googleLayer = new GoogleMapsLayer("…/data/", “AIzaSyDgAyQUWUkFMP95Nr86sqxfxxxxxxxx”, “gassserver”);
this code is not available.
yours, liu
Help! ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GoogleMapsLayer class
Hi Liu,
When registering for Google Maps API Premier, you will receive this client ID from Google Enterprise Support. All client IDs begin with a gme- prefix.
So your code would look like:
GoogleMapsLayer googleLayer = new GoogleMapsLayer("…/data/", "gme-xxxx", "AIzaSyDgAyQUWUkFMP95Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Hi jack,
I find the difference bettewn Maps API and Maps API Premier from the web ---- google.com/intl/en_uk/enterprise/earthmaps/maps_features.html.
Is it possible for me to use free Maps API (NOT the expensive Maps API Premier) to construct a ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GoogleMapsLayer object?
I would like just do a trial to remove the disturbing extra text in the map window, such as the white text “Map data@2013 AutoNavi… Google” in the picture ;
yours liu
Hi Liu
About the difference between “API Key” and “ClientID PrivateKey”, the “API Key” is used for Google API V3, “ClientID PrivateKey” is used for Google API V2, simplely to say when call Google API V3 we only need “API Key”, but V2 we need both “ClientID” and PrivateKey.
About “remove the disturbing extra text”, sorry to say that we can’t do this because of CopyRight, more information please refer to :developers.google.com/maps/terms
About Free Google API contructor, actually you could just use “GoogleMapsLayer googleLayer=new GoogleMapsLayer()” but it has tile count limitation for one day.
Hope it helps