hello , i'm new to thinkgeo , but i learned how to use winformmaps control , lets assume , i want get sattelite view like google earth , or i want get geo map of egyp , how can i do that through shapefiles , or database , i need you just provide my with sources
How can make shapefile about countries , like egypt and have satellite view like google earth
Thanks for your post and welcome you to ThinkGeo Desktop Discussion forum.
I am not exactly sure about your requirement, while our map control including winforms & wpf versions are targeting 2D-mapping technologies, while as far as I understand, the Google earth is an 3D mapping viewer.
If you want to load shape files source, try to take a look at the following HowDoI samples:
HowDoI\Querying Feature Layers\SpatialQueryAFeatureLayer
If you want to load database source, try to take a look at the following sample:
HowDoI\Data Providers\LoadMsSql2008FeatureLayer
Any more questions just feel free to let me know.
thank you so much
You are welcome. If you have any other queries, let us know.
can you provide me , where this links you gives me on your site , by the way all i need is to use map of city in egypt called ismailia , and zoom it and i have Database include number of cutomers per area in ismailia and i want make report about total number of customer per area , by color or by label , thats what i want
Thanks for your post and feedback.
I just want to make sure you are going to try the MapSuite Desktop Edition? And if yes, then the HowDoI samples are not placed on the website, it is attached in our package. After install, you can find it Start\All Programs\ThinkGeo\ Map Suite Desktop Full(Or Eval) Edition 4.0\VS2008 Samples in your computer installing the component.
If you want, you can send us your data, we may help you to build up a sample application.
Any more questions please feel free to let me know.