Thanks for the tip Klaus, if 60+ layers is having performance issues, then it definitely will not be suitable for 800-1000 :(
Tsui, asset or target was the same, it’s a “beaconing device” which report it’s position in a interval basis. Hence I will have a “head” icon with it’s own image depending on the type. Right clicking the icon it will appear a context menu with the asset options (send command, edit properties, delete, show/hide track etc). In addition to the icon, it will be a track, that basically will be a variable number of positions represented as a dot with a line joining them. If the user clicks on the line (with some kind of buffer) will appear a context menu similar to the asset icon one. Finally, if the user mouse over a point on the track it will appear a popup with the position information, and if the point is right-clicked a context menu will allow the user to delete de point or hide the track beyond this point.
It’s “almost simple”, I’m just figuring out in which king of layer put what. But the big issue here is the performance, as a customer can control as much as 1200 assets with up to 200+ track points each.
This is why already under production applications feedback like Klaus one is appreciated. I know that as much layers I use as slower it will be, the same as as much powerful the PC/GPU is, as faster, but this is common-sense. What I’m wondering is where are the reasonable limits… I mean it is the same having 1 layer than 2, but what happends with 100 or 1000 or 10000? Of course I will need to go through some detailed tests to get an estimation, but if somebody tells me is having performance issues with 60+ layers, then it’s clear to me that I need to find other approach…