I am using the MapSuiteCore.Dll (version 8.0.300.0). When I create a shape file using the library function ShapeFileFeatureSource.CreateShapeFile(), it will generate 6 files ".dbc", ".dbf", "*.idx", ".ids", ".shp" and ".shx". I cannot load the ".shp" file in ArcMap because the version of ArcMap I am using cannot read ".dbc" file. Please give some advice to overcome this issue. Thanks
How to avoid generating ".dbc" format file when executing the function ShapeFileFeatureSource.CreateShapeFile()
Hi Richard,
The reason is that the length of some column names in *.dbf file is longer than 10, then the Map Suite will create an additional file *.dbc to save these columns, we can work it around by removing these column names or shorten them. Please take a try.
Hi Richard,
The function “ShapeFileFeatureSource.CreateShapeFile” will create the “.dbc” file if your any column length is greater than 10.
For avoid it, please make sure the length is less than 10 or equal it.