Hello, I want to display the google streetview, but this only shows the map with the marker, how can I see the photo at street level??
Thanks in advance.
Map1.MapBackground.BackgroundBrush = new GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.FromHtml("#E5E3DF"));
Map1.CurrentExtent = new RectangleShape(-13939426.6371, 6701997.4056, -7812401.86, 2626987.386962);
Map1.MapUnit = GeographyUnit.Meter;
Map1.MapTools.OverlaySwitcher.Enabled = true;
Map1.MapTools.MouseCoordinate.Enabled = true;
GoogleOverlay google = new GoogleOverlay("Google Map");
google.JavaScriptLibraryUri = new Uri(MapasConstants.CstrGoogleAPI );
google.GoogleMapType = GoogleMapType.Normal;
PointShape ps = new PointShape(-101.344181,20.670866);
google.GoogleStreetView = new GoogleStreetView(ps,100,100);
google.GoogleStreetView.Enabled = true;
google.CenterOnStreetView = true;