I have a web edition aspx page with the isolines layer. I also need to generate a similar map as an image file. The image generation logic is not directly on the map, but handled in C# code in a separate class. My existing code was written back in v7.x and has been upgraded along the way, now on v10.x. My current code uses the following:
- MapEngine
- GoogleMapsLayer (with hook for CreatingRequest event in order to insert API key into URL for map tiles)
- BingMapsLayer
- OpenStreetMapLayer
- InMemoryFeatureLayer (this is built using GridFeatureSource.GenerateGridMatrix and IsoLineLayer.GetIsoFeatures)
- LegendAdornmentLayer
I have a config option to select the Google/Bing/Open map type, so only one is used in each image. This works pretty well, but when using Google, the static map tiles have the Google watermark (“Google Imagery @2017”) on EACH tile. For example:
Is there a better way to do this, such that the the Google watermark is only at the bottom or top a single time? Since my code was written years ago, perhaps there is a better way to do this with v10?