I have a silverlight app with server side rendering of shape files (20 layers, containing poly, lines and point shapes). I am enhancing the client application to toggle which layers are visible to the user (in real time). The two methods I have tried are unusable at the moment, and I would like some feedback as to what I am doing wrong.
1st Method - One ServerLayerOverlay, with many ShapeFileFeatureLayer.
I toggle the visible layers on the server side (using the ServerLayerOverlay[0].Layers[?].IsVisible property)
On the client side, I am unable to refresh the GIS window. When I zoom out or move the map, parts of the screen show the old set of layers, parts show the new layer set. Its like the client side is caching the images, and is not aware it needs to clear the cache and re-render the image. (I would prefer to use this method as it will make the app work like a WMS does)
2nd Method - Many ServerLayerOverlay, with one ShapeFileFeatureLayer each.
I toggle the layers on the client side (using Map1.Overlays[?].Visibility property)
The client app is now so slow its unusable. I have tried adjusting the 'JpegQuality' on each layer but it is still taking 20-30 seconds to render the screen after each zoom / pan change.