Thanks for your post and questions, hope my following answer can give you some hints.
I am not sure why you want to create your own customized PostgreFeatureSource instead of using the one attached in the extension? While basically the principle of implementation is very easy: create a suitable sql statement and run it. You can try to debug and watch the corresponding sql statement by using the event; following is the code snippet you can reference:
PostgreSqlFeatureLayer postgreFeatureLayer = new PostgreSqlFeatureLayer(@"", @"", @""); ((PostgreSqlFeatureSource)(postgreFeatureLayer.FeatureSource)).ExecutingSqlStatement += new EventHandler<ExecutingSqlStatementPostgreSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs>(DisplayShapeMap_ExecutingSqlStatement);
void DisplayShapeMap_ExecutingSqlStatement(object sender, ExecutingSqlStatementPostgreSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs e)
if (e.ExcutingSqlStatementType == ExecutingSqlStatementType.GetAllFeatures)
string tatgetSQL = e.SqlStatement;
Besides about source code, please contact our support( to see if you can get it. As far as I know, we have a product called the MapSuiteSourceKit, in which a lot of source classes are included.
Any more questions or concerns please do not hesitate to let me know.