Hi guys,
I am using MapSuite Desktop
In our application we have a ‘Main’ map in which we display layers and perform edits. In a separate window we have a ‘Page Layout’ view that uses MapSuite’s PrinterLayers to prepare maps for printing. We maintain a link between the ‘Main’ map and the ‘Page Layout’ view so that scale is the same in both views. This works fine for our Shapefiles and SQL Server layers.
Where we have a problem is under the following conditions:
- We are using a GoogleMapsLayer in the map.
- We reproject the GoogleMapsLayer into something other than its native coordinate system.
- We use a larger paper size in the ‘Page Layout’ view (ANSI C, for example).
Under these conditions the extent of the GoogleMapsLayer does not fill the extent of the ‘Page Layout’ MapPrinterLayer. It’s as if the layer is drawing into the extent of the ‘Main’ map instead of the ‘Page Layout’ map.
In addition, when projecting a GoogleMapsLayer into a projection other than SRID (the native one for Google maps) performance is very slow, almost unusable.
I have attached a sample for your amusement. Keep in mind that you will have to supply an API key before the sample can display the GoogleMapsLayer. The key should be added to line 11 of the class ‘CustomGoogleLayer’. I would appreciate any suggestions you have for improving performance.