Hello, Support team,
The map base layer is Openstreetmap and I set the zoomlevel to match the OSM layer,
In WinForm.load event, I set the map extent by defining a RectangleShape:
Map.ZoomLevelSet = New OpenStreetMapsZoomLevelSet
Map.CurrentExtent = New RectangleShape (-14269840.2432911,5728482.31917297,-7323260.48929205,3448830.09004371)
Map.ZoomToScale(18489298) 'If I don't set scale, the map will zoom out and snap to next zoom level.
The map first load is not covering target RectangleShape, but shifted to (-13183825.6620321,5513236.18595046,-8409275.07055107,3664076.22326622) and not centered to US. Please see attached screen shot. "ExtentOff-at_FormLoad.png"
After initial loading, if I run the same Extent and scale level and refresh map from a "Full Extent" button control, the map is centered correctly. Screen shot "ExtentCorrect-AfterClickFullExtent.png"
Please see map Control setting from "WinFormMapSetting.png"
How to set the initial extent to get map centered to US and snap to proper zoom-level?
Thank you.
Sunshine<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/c/7/c773af5fcd38164afdc8e27e67f663bfbca40991.png" width="586" height="499"><img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/8/e/8ec6105ae5214353c7941ce433daa800389d5e04.png" width="690" height="243"><img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/9/7/97814c1d3ec57923b2b73455320e8f08fb1b9bd7.png" width="690" height="245">