We are using MapSuite Desktop Edition verion (daily production build) in our application. We constuct isolines in layers which are displayed on the map. Some of our isolines are so large (5,000,000 or more data points) that it takes MapSuite more than 6 minutes or more to refresh the WinformsMap control. The refresh takes this long regardless of the operation (panning , zooming, drawing graphics, etc.) and the zoomLevel (even when zoomed out where the the final isolines represent just a few pixels on the display).
We would like to provide our user with a quicker response then 6 minutes or more per operation. The user has requested an "abort" button that would cancel an active refresh. There does not appear to be any way to interrpt the refresh or set a timeout that will return control. Even some way to set zoomLevel would be desirable so that we could avoid the 6 minute delay until absolutely required to see the details of the isolines.
Any suggestions on how to reduce the 6 minutes refreshes would be welcome.