I have some problems with getting a valid WKT for oracle. For Oracle the exterior rings are oriented counterclockwise and the interior rings are oriented clockwise, see ora-13367.ora-code.com/ for more information.
When i draw a multipolygon (with two polygons) with map suite, the corresponding wkt is clockwise for both polygons which is not what oracle expects.
the wkt, i got is: MULTIPOLYGON(((0.527343749926594 45.2130035510123,1.71386718726143 45.1975222980759,1.60400390602672 44.4808302736197,0.703124999902124 44.355278206667,0.48339843743271 44.6373912295045,0.659179687408242 44.7779358913574,0.395507812444945 44.9336963847275,0.527343749926594 45.2130035510123)),((2.2851562496819 45.1665471528767,2.85644531210238 45.1665471528767,2.8124999996085 44.7467332352896,2.39501953091661 44.6686528673202,1.93359374973084 44.8402906464358,2.06542968721249 44.9492492616435,2.2851562496819 45.1665471528767)))
is there anyway to make the wkt valid for an oracle use?
thanks in advance?