I converted your Isolines example into Web Edition VB and it work fine with the WorldMapKit ovelray
When I try to draw the same isoline file on a Google map it puts something (can zoom close enough) in the ocean south of Horn of Africa.
What do I need to do to plot the isolines on the Google map?
here is the code I am using to create Google overlay. If I uncoment the World Map Kit rows it works fine
Map1.CurrentExtent = New RectangleShape(-100.555827718567, 38.0841933095704, -100.353770681213, 37.6486586797486)
Map1.MapUnit = GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree
'Load the well depth points and depth data from a text file into the dictionary
'We cache this at the class level to prevent form loading it multiple times
wellDepthPointData = GetWellDepthPointDataFromCSV(wellDepthPointDataFilePath)
Map1.MapTools.OverlaySwitcher.Enabled = True
Map1.MapTools.OverlaySwitcher.BackgroundColor = GeoColor.StandardColors.Gray
Map1.MapTools.MouseCoordinate.Enabled = True
Map1.MapTools.PanZoomBar.Enabled = True
Map1.MapTools.ScaleLine.Enabled = True
'Map1.MapTools.MiniMap.Enabled = True
Map1.MapTools.Logo.Enabled = False
Map1.MapBackground.BackgroundBrush = New GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.FromHtml("#B3C6D4"))
''This loads the background maps from ThinkGeo's World Map Kit Server.
'Dim worldMapKitOverlay As New WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay("WorldMapKitOverlay")
'Background map with Google Map.
Dim googleMapsOverlay As New GoogleOverlay("Google Map")
googleMapsOverlay.GoogleMapType = GoogleMapType.Hybrid
googleMapsOverlay.JavaScriptLibraryUri = New Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("GoogleUri"))
googleMapsOverlay.IsBaseOverlay = True
'Add the grid layer, the grid cells, and the well points to the map
Dim isoLineOverlay As New LayerOverlay("isoLineOverlay")
isoLineOverlay.Layers.Add("IsoLineLayer", GetGridIsoLineLayer())
'isoLineOverlay.Layers.Add("GridCellsLayer", GetGridFeatureLayer())
isoLineOverlay.Layers.Add("WellsLayer", GetWellDepthPointLayer())
isoLineOverlay.IsBaseOverlay = False