I am trying to display a plot of isolines for a large array of points (around 1000x1000 array or 1,000,000 points). We are still using MapSuite Winforms Desktop Edition 9.0.0 in our application. We are getting rather strange behaviors out of the isoline code. The values in our array are doubles ranging from around 120 to 180. However, a very large quantity of the values are between 162-165. If we define a class break value below 160 or above 166, the isolines are calculated and displayed in about 1 minute. But if we define the first class break to be between 162-164, the isolines do not get generated (I am assuming an endless loop but I usually only wait about 15-30 minutes before I give up and kill it. If we define a class break of 165, the isolines are generated but all the isolines generated are for are initial class break defined as double.MinValue even though we know there are values above 165 in the array. (We defined the class break for double.MinValue so that the fill between the class breaks will be shown for values below the actual class break line.
Has anyone else experienced this behavior with isolines in Winforms Desktop Edition? We have not been able to determine if the code will thrown any type of exception. We do not know how to test the data to determine that there is any abnormal type of data in the array. Is there any reason to believe that upgrading to 10.2.1 would alter this behavior? We will be upgrading someday but had not included into our current planning and don’t have the day or two that we would need to test it out.
Any help would be appreciated.