We are trying to load a large GeoTiff file (5.8GB) - and it is crashing the ThinkGeo component with a NullReferenceException
The stack trace from the exception is:
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ManagedGeoTiffRasterSource.OpenCore()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource.Open()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoTiffRasterSource.OpenCore()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource.Open()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterLayer.OpenCore()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer.Open()
I’ve also reproduced it in the latest MapSuite GIS Editor (as the file is so large, I havent uploaded it anywhere)
Large GeoTiff files causes NullReferenceException
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your post, we tried to recreate you problem with the latest dlls ( but it didn’t show up, would you please get the latest dllpackage then reference the latest dlls and install the “Map Suite Unmanaged Dependencies”, and try it again? if the problem is still there, would you please tell use the dll version you are using, and would you please provide some of your data for us to test, and if possible, a small sefl-contained sample will be highly appreciated.
Waiting for your further information.