We have a high performance Rtree Index engine internally which can greatly speed it up when we deal with shape files. I used to open a 500M+ shape file and the performance is fine when showing a small district of area. Sure if you want to display all the records on the screen that is slow anyway but if you only want to display one small area, even the whole shape file is huge, our Rtree index engine can make it very fast to only load the required records and display. Within every of our product we have a tool called Map Suite Explorer, just try opening a big shape file with that tool and play it around, you will get some idea about the performance. The Web Edition and Desktop Edition share the same engine, sure you can write a web app loading a large shape file as well. Just don’t forget to build the index for each shapefile. (Drag and drop a shapefile to Map Suite Explorer and it will build the index for you automatically.)