Hi again,
I’ve changed the map unit to meters, and we are allowing continuous scrolling (keep scrolling in one direction to wrap around the globe.) We show lat/lon lines using the GraticuleAdornmentLayer and the LatLonNumAdornmentLayer code. These two layers are designed for a map unit of decimal degree, but I’ve reworked them to mostly work for meters. The problem is that neither the lat/lon lines, nor their labels, are drawing east of 180w or west of 180e.
To rework the code for a meters map unit, I convert the current extent upperLeft or lowerRight points to lat/lon using a ManagedProj4Projection. The problem is that projection’s .DecimalDegreeBoundry limits for longitude are -179.99 to 179.99. Thus, if my map extent if beyond those values, the .ConvertToExternalProjection function will cut them off to those limits.
Is there either
A) a way for the ConvertToExternalProjection function to return the true value of the current extent, and not be rounded to the DecimalDegreeBoundry limit
B) a way to reset the DecimalDegreeBoundry limits, or
C) GraticuleAdornmentLayer and LatLonNumAdornmentLayer versions that can handle this situation?
Thanks, let me know if you need any code of ours to review.