On our application, we are setting a custom styles for the overlay switcher on client-side. It work fine on IE browser. However, on Firefox 3.0.17 and Safari 4.04, but when I minimize and then maximize the overlayswitcher, it redraw to the default width.
I also tried re-setting the custom style during the body onmouseover. Although it changes all the custom styles, when I click minimize, it displays some of the layer background.
Is there a workaround on setting and retaining the custom style? I shouldn't have to use the body onmouseover to reset the style?
Please advise. Thanks in advance for your assistance
function OnMapCreated(map) { setstyle(map); }
function setstyle(map) (
var controls = map.getControlsByClass('OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher');
if (controls && controls.length > 0) {
overlaySwitcher = controls[0];
overlaySwitcher.layersDiv.style.fontSize = '12';
overlaySwitcher.layersDiv.style.fontFamily = 'Verdana';
overlaySwitcher.layersDiv.style.color = '#000066';
if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
overlaySwitcher.div.style.width = '11em';
On body onmouseover,