Hi Ben
Thanks for fixing this bug, however now I face another issue which I can confirm I used to see it but it disappeared for some reason then in build beta097 I can see the issue again. The issue is related to footer when it is rendered outside for the Legend Box in the PrinterInteractiveOverlay.
Could you please let me know how I can fix this issue?
Here is the code I use for creating legends:
var layer = new LegendAdornmentLayer { Location = AdornmentLocation.UpperLeft };
items.ToList().ForEach(c =>
var fontDrawingStyle = DrawingFontStyles.Regular;
fontDrawingStyle = c.TextStyle.Font.IsBold ? fontDrawingStyle | DrawingFontStyles.Bold : fontDrawingStyle;
fontDrawingStyle = c.TextStyle.Font.IsItalic ? fontDrawingStyle | DrawingFontStyles.Italic : fontDrawingStyle;
fontDrawingStyle = c.TextStyle.Font.IsStrikeout ? fontDrawingStyle | DrawingFontStyles.Strikeout : fontDrawingStyle;
fontDrawingStyle = c.TextStyle.Font.IsUnderline ? fontDrawingStyle | DrawingFontStyles.Underline : fontDrawingStyle;
var font = new GeoFont(c.TextStyle.Font.FontName, c.Size, fontDrawingStyle);
layer.LegendItems.Add(new CustomLegendItem
ImageStyle = c.ImageStyle,
TextStyle = new TextStyle(c.TextStyle.TextColumnName, font, c.TextStyle.TextBrush),
Size = font.Size,
NeedImageStyle = c.NeedImageStyle
if (title != null)
layer.Title = title;
if (footer != null)
layer.Footer = footer;
return new LegendPrinterLayer(layer)
BackgroundMask = AreaStyle.CreateSimpleAreaStyle(GeoColors.WhiteSmoke,
GeoColors.Black, 1),
Best wishes