I'm writing my own marker class which inherits from marker that does some stuff for me. The first thing it does it it always uses an icon that has a tail at the bottom as the image, where the tail points to the exact location on the map the marker is at... I achieve this by knowing that the real location is at the center of the icon, then setting the y-offset ot have the image height so that it moves up.
A second thing I want to do is have the image increase in size when the mouse is over the marker. I do this by listening to the mouse hover and mouse leave event and changing the size of the marker and adjusting the y-offset. The problem is, this doesn't seem to do anything. My image does indeed get bigger, but the top and left remains in the same location and it expands down and right, so my tail is no longer at the correct location. I thought I could solve this by adjusting the Top and Left properties of the marker, but those don't seem to be available.
Any help as to how to keep my tail centered on my point would be appreciated.