I'm trying to update an application from ThinkGeo Desktop Edition 4.0 to 5.0 (file version In doing so, the only change I made was to swap out two libraries: DesktopEdition.dll and MapSuiteCore.dll. Obviously changes have been made to the MapSuiteCore library and to ManagedProj4Projection. I'm not sure what was done, but the change is readily apparent when I am querying a layer using the GetFeaturesWithinDistanceOf method. Here are values from my analysis:
ThinkGeo 4.0
- ScreenPoint to delete: X = 207.0; Y = 67.0
- Converted to WorldX and WorldY: 740511.51539313933 and 4788104.8605491966
- Current Map Extent:
- LowerLeftPoint 740159.566468168, 4787732.508788
- UpperRightPoint 741137.202370866, 4788218.77638482
- Feature found within distance of my map click (screen point): POINT(740514.915868744 4788103.16030698) . Note: a feature was "found".
- A sample point from the layer I was querying against: 740537.018941334,4787854.92579951 (within the extent of the map)
- Field polygon from another layer. Examined to look at values of vertices:
o POLYGON((740449.935710071 4787771.17448949,740449.481905045 4787770.1566581,740450.909708012 4787766.6488568,740454.704628086 4787765.1154802,740474.335084136 4787766.69996168,740583.256644182 4787768.99875226,740611.316519173 4787773.77421585,740728.099673806 4787776.91133835,740838.418481925 4787778.82001477,740851.108653756 4787781.15982064,740853.49792156 4787782.5786283,740854.682979635 4787785.84617088,740854.230562033 4787835.31473816,740843.353468786 4788142.0663061,740849.007691531 4788170.73619135,740847.891932444 4788174.69811361,740842.305924549 4788180.83914532,740838.757561965 4788182.27004478,740802.089435776 4788181.74874222,740447.998864725 4788172.87491995,740438.590318039 4788172.09499496,740435.155046624 4788170.30709264,740434.198877173 4788167.49289123,740434.174206655 4788163.59918355,740443.017489257 4788134.33359721,740447.456119944 4788025.06853826,740454.135642975 4787801.9019822,740450.932581308 4787777.43555666,740449.935710071 4787771.17448949)).
o Again, within the extent of the map
- External Projection: 26914
- Internal Projection: 4326
ThinkGeo 5.0
- ScreenPoint to delete: X = 207.0; Y = 67.0
- Converted to WorldX and WorldY: 740511.51539313933 and 4788104.8605491966
- Current Map Extent:
- LowerLeftPoint 740159.566468168, 4787732.508788
- UpperRightPoint 741137.202370866, 4788218.77638482
- No features found within distance of.
- A sample point from the layer I was querying against (same point as examine in 4.0 example): 488970.177972533 9996237.51404824 (not within the extent of the map and no longer shows when the overlay is refreshed). Note the different values from the 4.0 example.
- Field polygon from another layer (same field as examined in 4.0 example). Examined to look at values of vertices:
· POLYGON((488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824,488970.177972533 9996237.51404824)). Not within extent of map and no longer shows when the overlay is refreshed. Note the different values from the 4.0 example.
- External Projection: 26914
- Internal Projection: 4326
As I mentioned, in using ThinkGeo 4.0 and ManagedProj4Projection, our layers were projecting correctly and now they are not. Please clarify changes that have been made to ManagedProj4Projection. Thank you!