During regular operation I have a loop which periodically refreshes the map. Winformsmap1.refresh
I found when the map is populated with a lot of items, that the system would hang for 1-2 seconds while this refresh occurs.
I attempted to fix this by placing this refresh in a background worker which seemed to help quite a bit, however it seems that this refresh occurs regularly without me calling it, Possibly a regular interval in the object itself. Is there a way to prevent this from locking the system. Its almost as if this refresh consumes all resources. During this freeze, the mouse sometimes moves but no events, ( mouse click etc function) other times the mouse does not move at all. I attempted to pause the execution during this freeze and it is always doing something internal to the map control. No debug source available.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Map refresh hangs the entire system
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your post, based on your description, I think there are two potential ways to improve this problem
1. use Map1.Refresh(Overlay), you could put the dynamic layers into one separate overlay, then calling Map1.Refresh(Overlay) could just refresh the dynamic layers, the static layers will not be refreshed, so the performance will be better.
2. use LayerOverlay.TileCache = new FileBitmapTileCache("");, but this is just applicable for static overlay.
Hope it helps