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MapSuiteRouting.dll source

Hi ThinkGeo Support,

How can we get MapSuiteRouting.dll for Wpf Desktop version 9.0?
There isn’t in the “My Product Daily Builds” items.

Thank you in advance.

Thanks Alexander,
I found you do purchased the mapsuite desktop edition. But I don’t find the Geocode sdk in your order list. Here is the sample for the geocode 9.0. If you purchased the geocode 9.0 you should be able to see it under daily build tab

One more thing. 9.0 and 10.0 are legacy products. For the 9.0 and 10.0 geocode we will provide you the offline mapdata(few G data) with MapSuiteRouting.dll.

You can also try with the latest cloud service. You can find more detail here

Here is the latest cloud version geocode sample



@Frank4, thank you for the reply

You are right we didn’t purchase the license for routing.
Is it possible to provide us with the trial license?
We need to play with it.

Thanks Alexander,
For the mapsuite 10 routing you can find the sample here

You could download the sample and the sample data. And paly with it. When you debug the project. It will popup the product center and you can login with you thinkgeo account to activate the trial license.

You can also find the way to generate your own routing index.

We recommend use the Cloud Routing service. You can find the online sample here

To use the cloud routing service in .Net application you can try with the mapsuite 12 how do I sample.

