I have an issue when I want to use markers wih text. I must set the font size above 16, otherwise the text is very very very small (unreadable).
Here is my code:
class FieldMarkerStyle : PointMarkerStyle public FieldMarkerStyle(string urlImage)this.WebImage = new WebImage(urlImage);this.Popup.ContentHtml = "
";this.Popup.Width = 60;this.Popup.Height = 60;this.Popup.IsVisible = false;this.Popup.AutoSize = true;this.Popup.AutoPan = false;this.WebImage.Text = "[#MARKERNAME#]";this.WebImage.FontColor = GeoColor.StandardColors.Gold;this.WebImage.TextBackgroundColor = GeoColor.StandardColors.Gray;this.WebImage.FontStyle = new GeoFont("Verdana", 16);this.WebImage.TextOffsetX = -WebImage.ImageHeight / 2;this.WebImage.TextOffsetY = -WebImage.ImageWidth / 2;
Another question: I have to use GeoColor.StandardColors. Can't I use GeoColor.FromArgb? Doesn't it work?
Best regards, André