ThinkGeo Team,
It looks like I have found another issue. If I try to use the MeasureTool in the code sample that I provided you in my other issue, area measure seems to work fine (though it does not show the area in the shape like it does in the sample). However, if I try to use line measure, I can’t get it to actually be able to click for the next line segment or double-click to end the measurement. The only way that I can get the measurement to end is to change the measurement type to none or area. Unfortunately, that doesn’t give me a measurement. This one isn’t a high priority for me at the moment, but I figured I would let someone know.
My code:
I started with the project that was zipped and uploaded to you (once my main project showed this issue). I copied the code from the How do I sample almost verbatim. My only change was to keep my FileRasterTiles. I was unable to complete a distance measurement. The sample does work for me, but I don’t know what the difference between my project(s) and the sample is that it would cause only the line measurement to fail and not display the area/distance like the sample does. The area measurement will at least complete with a double click as expected and fire the Measured event. I can at least work with that.
@page "/map"
@using Quickstart_Map
<div style="width:100%;height:100%;">
<div class="map-container" style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto">
@*<nav class="icon-group draw-edit-tool-bar">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="None" @onclick="@(e => trackMode = TrackMode.None)">
<img src="images/mouse-pointer.svg" alt="None">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Polygon" @onclick="@(e => trackMode = TrackMode.Polygon)">
<img src="images/vector-polygon.svg" alt="Polygon">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Modify" @onclick="@(e => trackMode = TrackMode.Modify)">
<img src="images/edit.svg" alt="Modify">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Clear" @onclick="@(e => map.EditOverlay.Features.Clear())">
<img src="images/close.svg" alt="Clear">
<MapView Id="demomap"
Center="@(new PointShape(-10770581.83051296, 3865538.8613018664))">
@*<ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsOverlay Id="RasterOverlay"
MapType="ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsMapType.Light" />*@
@*<LayerOverlay Id="ECWOverlay" Layers="@ecwLayers" IsVisible="@showEcw"></LayerOverlay>*@
<TileLayerOverlay Id="Background"
Layers="@dummyLayers" />
<ZoomBarMapTool />
<MeasureMapTool MeasureType="@measureType" />
<nav class="icon-group draw-edit-tool-bar">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="@GetCss(MeasureType.None)" title="None" @onclick="@(e => measureType = MeasureType.None)">
<img src="images/mouse-pointer.svg" alt="None">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="@GetCss(MeasureType.Line)" title="Measure Distance" @onclick="@(e => measureType = MeasureType.Line)">
<img src="images/distance.png" alt="Measure Distance">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="@GetCss(MeasureType.Area)" title="Measure Area" @onclick="@(e => measureType = MeasureType.Area)">
<img src="images/area.png" alt="Measure Area">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Clear" @onclick="@(e => map.MapTools.MeasureMapTool.MeasuredFeatures.Clear())">
<img src="images/close.svg" alt="Clear">
MapView map;
FileRasterTileCache tileCache = new FileRasterTileCache(@"A:\MapData", "PNG", RasterTileFormat.Png);
public static RectangleShape WorldExtent = new RectangleShape(-179.999, 85.051, 179.999, -85.051).ToMeters();
TrackMode trackMode = TrackMode.None;
GeoCollection<Layer> ecwLayers = new GeoCollection<Layer>();
GeoCollection<Layer> dummyLayers = new GeoCollection<Layer>();
GeoCollection<Layer> imageLayers = new GeoCollection<Layer>();
LayerOverlay ImageOverlay { get; set; }
bool showEcw = true;
MeasureType measureType = MeasureType.None;
string GetCss(MeasureType type) => type == measureType ? "active" : string.Empty;
protected override void OnInitialized()
tileCache = new FileRasterTileCache(@"A:\MapData", "PNG", RasterTileFormat.Png);
tileCache.TileAccessMode = TileAccessMode.ReadOnly;
StiRasterLayer image = new StiRasterLayer(@"A:\temp\Quickstart\sFloorPlan2.png");
var ecwLayer = new EcwRasterLayer("./Data/World.ecw");
async void OnMapViewClick(ClickedMapViewEventArgs args)
// await map.Overlays["ECWOverlay"].RedrawAsync();
string GetCss(TrackMode mode) => mode == trackMode ? "active" : string.Empty;
I should add that it doesn’t matter if I use the FileRasterTileCache layer or I use the ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsOverlay, the result is the same. I commented out all other overlays so that there was only the one overlay with just an empty collection of layers.