We recently did an install of our application with the Web Edition of the ThinkGeo tools on a Windows Server 2003 64 bit Service Pack 2. We were rudely shocked when we got an error message saying:
'The Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine'
So we did some investigation. We found that the Microsoft Jet libraries do not work on 64 bit OSs installed. Here is a link on the problem:
So any code that references Microsoft Jet (i.e. queries on shape files) fails. For example this fails:
layer.FeatureSource.ExecuteQuery("SELECT RecID FROM {0} WHERE COMPKEY={1}");
So, now what do we do? We may at a point where we have to tell our customers to go back to a 32 bit operating system. Please tell me there is a way around this!