Is there any migration guide for switching between these versions. Some of the classes that I was using are no longer present, and I am not entirely certain what the new names are or what classes they may have been folded into.
- ExtentHelper class is gone – not idea if it was replaced by something or not.
- LineStyles class is gone – not sure how to create a dashed line anymore
- proj4Projection is gone – don’t know how to tell a layer to convert from one Srid to another as Projection class takes only a single Srid.
- FileBitmapTileCache is gone – replaced by FileTasterTileCache? DeleteTiles api removed – not sure if it was replaced. TileMatrix is gone – don’t kow what to do about that.
- OpenStreetMapOverlay – seems to be gone not sure if it got replaced by something else or are we now forced to use only the OpenStreetMapLayer?
I can’t seem to find any documentation on the new/changed APIs or examples.