I just tried to build some logic, where I split a server table with multiple topologies (points + lines + polygons) into three seperate layers, displaying these as layers in a LayerOverlay.
To do this, I add a where clause, selecting only the relevant geometry types for each layer. I use the OGC method STGeometryTYpe() for this, i.e.:
- (layer).WhereClause = "where " + geoColnam + “.STGeometryType() In (‘Point’)”
- (layer).WhereClause = "where " + geoColnam + “.STGeometryType() In (‘LineString’,‘MultiLineString’)”
- (layer).WhereClause = "where " + geoColnam + “.STGeometryType() In (‘Polygon’,‘MultiPolygon’,‘GeometryCollection’)”
I get an error saying that the method “STGeometryType” isn’t found, even though a query with the exact same clause in Management Studio et.al. works perfectly.
Are there limitations to what kind of SQL one can use in the MsSql2008FeatureLayer where clauses ??