Right now we are setting our map in MapUnit(GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree). But when I try to use additional background overlays like google, bing, openstreetmap, they only work correctly when in MapUnit(GeographyUnit.Meter). When it’s set to decimaldegree google/bing/osm center to the Atlantic Ocean instead of where the current extent is set.
Is there a way to get google/bing/osm to work in decimaldegree or is there a workaround I can use? Or are there other backgrounds I can use that will work in decimaldegree?
Multiple Background Map Overlays
Hi Chad,
The reason is that these 3rd part maps are prebuilt on their server with EPSG:3857/EPSG:900913 projection/coordinate, in other words, they are based on Meter unit. The Map Suite just requests the images from their server to display. Thus, the DecimalDegree is not allowed. I guess there are 2 workaround here, please take any one based on your requirements.
1, Use ThinkGeo background maps instead, which provides 3 types, Roads, Aerial, Hybrid. Just like Bing/OSM/Google provide. It can work in meter and decimaldegree. The corresponding class is WorldMapKitWmsOverlay.
2, Use BingMapsLayer/OpenStreetMapsLayer /GoogleMapsLayer with a DecimalDegree projection, like EPSG:4326. And then put it into a LayerOverlay. But compared with #1, it may be a bit slower.