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Nautical Charts sample not displaying natutical information

I am trying out the Nautical Charts Sample and whilst the basemap is displayed correctly cantered around Chicago but no nautical information (no nautical text or graphics) is displayed.

The program seems to be running correctly as are the paths and the requisite US4IL10M.000 (and related files) referenced in the program code are all located in the defined App_Data folder.

Can you advise what could be wrong and how to correct this so the program will correctly load and display the nautical information example.

Hi @Robert_X,

I want to confirm you downloaded a sample from here and just modified it to work with WebApi? The sample runs fine and it should work the same on WebApi.

Are you able to attach your sample .sln to this post and I’ll take a look at it?


Hi John,

No I used the Web Maps sample that is available at under the ThinkGeo Github repository:

and more specifically this sample:

We looked at the ThinkGeo Web samples since we are mostly interested in browser based UI solutions. Could you see if that runs well your side?

Question - before using these samples in VS (VS2019), do we need to download or install anything on the dev machine? From my reading the necessary NUGET packages are installed automatically and from what I could see all references/dependencies including the ThinkGeo ones are showing correctly without errors in VS when we load the Nautical Charts sample.


Hi Robert,

You’re correct - the WebApi version of the Nautical Charts has a bug. We’ll work to fix it. But note that the issue is not in the mapping code, rather it’s an issue with the way the project is configured in IIS express and it’s returning 500s for the nautical tile request endpoints before it gets into the endpoint code.

I’ll let you know when a new version of this sample is out in gitlab. In the mean-time, yo can take the code from the WPF Nautical Charts sample and use that in your WebApi project without issues.


Hi John,

thank you for your response, at least I know that I was not doing something wrong. Will see the the WPF sample and see if I can get it converted to work with the WebAPI and using a Web UI. However would be great if the WebAPI sample is fixed and again available on Gitlab, so look forward to your further update on this when it is available.
