Here is the code in the drawcore.
Dim DM As New DMGlobal
Dim currentZoomLevel As ZoomLevel = MyBase.ZoomLevelSet.GetZoomLevelForDrawing(canvas.CurrentWorldExtent, canvas.Width, canvas.MapUnit)
Dim checkZoomLevel As ZoomLevel = MyBase.ZoomLevelSet.GetZoomLevel(canvas.CurrentWorldExtent, canvas.Width, canvas.MapUnit)
Dim CurrentLevel As Integer = MyBase.ZoomLevelSet.GetZoomLevels.IndexOf(checkZoomLevel) + 1 'Gets the number of the zoom level
If WebData.Length > 0 Then
Dim MRestriction As String = DM.GetXMLFieldValue(WebData, “MAPRESTRICTION”)
If MRestriction.Trim.Length > 0 Then
'Zoom to the restriction and more if less than the visible point zoom lenvel
Dim MyPoly As New PolygonShape(MRestriction)
UserHasRestriction = True
UserHasRestriction = False
End If
'Base the retrieved points on the current zoom level
UserHasRestriction = False
End If
If currentZoomLevel IsNot Nothing Then
If UserHasRestriction = False Then
If CurrentLevel >= 15 Then
'If there is no restriction and you are zoomed in enough, then show it
ClassInformation = “PROCESSING LOADING…”
LoadPointLayerARCClass(canvas.CurrentWorldExtent(), “project”)
currentZoomLevel.Draw(canvas, MyBase.InternalFeatures, New Collection(Of SimpleCandidate)(), labelsInAllLayers)
ClassInformation = “COMPLETE”
'UserInformationLabel.Text = "You need to keep zooming in to be able to select contacts, you are at Zoom Level: " & CurrentLevel
Exit Sub
End If
'If you have a restriction then no matter what the zoom level zoom to the bounding box of the restriction
LoadPointLayerARCClass(canvas.CurrentWorldExtent(), “project”)
currentZoomLevel.Draw(canvas, MyBase.InternalFeatures, New Collection(Of SimpleCandidate)(), labelsInAllLayers)
End If
End If